Poem in Your Pocket Day! The idea is simple: select a poem you love and carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends. Poems from pockets will be unfolded throughout the day in parks, libraries, schools, workplaces, and bookstores.
Celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day in a baker’s dozen ways:
· Text a poem to friends
· Add a poem to your email footer
· Use a poem for your screen saver or wallpaper
· Send a poem to a friend or loved one by snail mail
· Post a poem on your blog or social networking page
· Browse the links on the library’s Poetry Resources page
· Read a few poems by an author you’ve never heard of before
· Try to compose your own poem when you have some free time
· Look for a poem in the library’s display cases (we still have a few books)
· Make copies of your poem to distribute to friends, colleagues, classmates
· Use a poem on your answering machine, voice mail, or cell phone greeting
· Post pocket-sized verses in public places (be sure to clean up afterwards!)
· Listen to an audio recording of poets reading their own poems (in library)
Celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day in a baker’s dozen ways:
· Text a poem to friends
· Add a poem to your email footer
· Use a poem for your screen saver or wallpaper
· Send a poem to a friend or loved one by snail mail
· Post a poem on your blog or social networking page
· Browse the links on the library’s Poetry Resources page
· Read a few poems by an author you’ve never heard of before
· Try to compose your own poem when you have some free time
· Look for a poem in the library’s display cases (we still have a few books)
· Make copies of your poem to distribute to friends, colleagues, classmates
· Use a poem on your answering machine, voice mail, or cell phone greeting
· Post pocket-sized verses in public places (be sure to clean up afterwards!)
· Listen to an audio recording of poets reading their own poems (in library)