Thursday, April 21, 2016

Poem in Your Pocket Day!

The idea is simple: select a poem you love and carry it with you to share with co-workers and friends throughout the day. Here are a few ways to celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day.
· Text a poem to a friend
· Add a poem to your email footer
· Try to compose a poem in your free time
· Look for a poem in the library’s display case
· Make copies of a poem to distribute to friends
· Include a poem with a letter to a friend or loved one
· Post a poem on your blog or social networking page
· Browse the links on the library’s Poetry Resources page
· Read a few poems by a poet you’ve never heard of before

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

It's National Library Week!!

Great ways to celebrate
National Library Week!
-Borrow one of our children’s books and read it to a child. 
-Browse through our selection of new books.
-Dust off your favorite book and read it again. 
-Leisurely read one of our magazines between classes. 
-Read the book that inspired your favorite movie.
-Return overdue items with amnesty - fines will be waived!
-Suggest a new or favorite book to a friend and discuss it.