Thursday, September 29, 2022

Gilbertown celebrates first Coastal Reads


Left to right:  SGA Officers, Jennifer Moore, Bayleigh Etheredge and Lakeisha Lee

Left to Right: GED Teacher Shirley Pearson, Jennifer Moore, Derek Touchstone and Lakeisha Lee

Front Row: Jennifer Moore, Secretary Markeria Davis, UB Specialist Dr Brandi Clarke, and Lakeisha Lee. Back Row: UB and Trio Specialist Andrew Philon, Derek Touchstone. and Debbie Jimerson

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Gilbertown celebrates Constitution Day


SGA officers help celebrate Constitution Day in the library at Gilbertown.

CONSTITUTION DAY - September 17th

(click image to enlarge)
It is a federal holiday that recognizes the date, September 17, 1787 when the US Constitution was signed by the delegates. 

Here's a little trivia about our constitution.

1)At 81 years old, Benjamin Franklin was the oldest delegate. He was in fact so weak that he had to be carried to the convention so he could be there to inspire support and soothe tempers.

2)Location! Location! Location! The US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were both signed at the same place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania due to its nearness to all 13 states.

3)The US Constitution is considered the least amended constitution with only 27 amendments to it as of this year even though there have been well over 11,500 proposals made.  This is mostly due to the steps required to pass an amendment which include having a proposal receive 2/3s of the vote of both the Senate and House of Representatives and then 3/4s of all the states must ratify it. That’s a lot of people to have to agree on the same thing!

Resource used: Strange Facts about the Constitution.” Constitution of the United States, 8 June 2022,